Colintraive Forestry Ideas News Opportunities

Bute Forest Wants to Know What We Think

Plans for the use of the community forest at Rhubodach, opposite Colintraive are now in consultation mode, and residents of Colintraive and Glendaruel have been invited to make their views known by visiting the site, or contact the new forest manage Emma Cooper.

The plans are to be discussed at the next Community Council meeting in Colintraive Village Hall, at 7.30, Thursday 26th Jan.

Please click on this link to have a look at all the documents, or phone 01700 500 541 and ask for Emma.

And of course do let us know what you think as well!

Clachan CRtB Glendaruel Glendaruel Hotel Ideas News Opportunities Premises Projects Working Groups

Of Hall, Hotel and Hub: an Ongoing Discussion

One of the ongoing discussions we have been engaged in is seeing a way forward for Glendaruel what with the CRtB on the Hotel, the initial plans drawn up by the Hub Group and the ongoing progress the Village Hall Committee are making towards renewing the hall. To aid the community’s thinking we organised a session with all three groups at the Village Hall facilitated by Donald Walker and building on the decision-making matrix that the Development Trust has already developed.

Here’s Donald’s Review of the meeting:

The group listened to a short introduction of the aims and process and then heard 5 minute summaries of the activities of each of the working groups. The group were given the opportunity to ask clarifying questions and then worked through 2 set exercises which were designed to generate a consensus over next steps.

Using the presentations and the knowledge of the group, the team assembled a number of criteria which will be used to evaluate options. These criteria were forced ranked 1 to 10 although it was agreed that there could be an opportunity to combine or reclassify some of them at a later date.

The team then selected a number of “wants and needs” for the community and listed these in no particular order. The “wants and needs” were written in way that did not describe the solution; so, the community wants/needs access a licensed premises rather than the community wants/needs a pub. In this example, a pub is one possible solution to the requirement to access a location which is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages.

The team used a 1-3-9 scale to score the relationship between the “want/need” and the criteria where 1 = remote relationship/influence, 3 = moderate influence and 9 = strong relationship. This scale is designed to force a separation between items which have a big impact and those which don’t.

Next steps
The team agreed that this activity should not delay or derail any activities planned by the Village Hall team.

All those present agreed to re-convene for a further 2 hour meeting in the new year to complete the table. During this second session, the team agreed to define each of the criteria to improve clarity and to make the description more objective.

The team also agreed to complete a third session which would be designed to form solutions to each of the wants and needs. These solutions will be evaluated using the same approach as the prioritrisation matrix.

The presentation and matrix are attached so that all interested parties can see what was covered and participate in the process.

Glendaruel Discussion Presentation 5MB
This is Donald’s opening presentation outlining the method and the way outcomes are achieved.

XLS Spreadsheet
If you have Excel and would like to contribute your scores to our next discussion, please send them into us. Remember to score only 1s, 3s and 9s!

PDF of spreadsheet
For those of you who don’t have excel, here’s the pdf which you can open using Adobe Acrobat Reader, freely available from

Glendaruel Ideas News Opportunities Press & Publicity

Glendaruel Kiosk goes National!

TV and newspapers all wanted to know more about the Adopt a Kiosk scheme and Heather Munro’s idea to house a defibrillator in one of ours. Brilliant stuff!

Here’s the BBC Story & Report

Here’s the Scotsman story

Here’s the link to the BT Adopt a Kiosk scheme

CRtB Forestry Glendaruel News Opportunities Press & Publicity Renewables Stronafian

Presentation to LACPG in Cowal Courier

New local news website Cowal Courier has a report on the presentation CGDT’s chair Charles Dixon-Spain recently made to the Local Area Community Planning Group regarding our plans for Stronafian Forest and a medium scale community Windfarm.

The presentation, which seemed to be well-received by the committee of over 20 people and audience, is reported on the pay-for-news website here.

Colintraive Ideas News Opportunities Premises Projects

Investing in Ideas Invests in Us!

We’re delighted to announce that we have received approval for our application to the Investing in Ideas programme for developing our plans on the Old Shop in Colintraive. Structural and architectural assessments will be made prior to the trust and the Colintraive Steering Group reporting back to the community on the final shape this project will take.

Well done Rhona for getting this funding in place!

Clachan Glendaruel News Opportunities Projects Working Groups

Of Hubs, Hydro and Ships-to-Shore

A quick digest on some of the projects which we are working on at the moment:

  • The group looking at the Clachan pavilion or hub on the eastern end of the shinty pitch have recently received from the architect the building brief which resulted from a meeting between him and the ‘Hub Group’. Once this has been approved schematics will be produced, and then we’ll get a visual as to how this building might look and work.
  • We’re moving forward with the recommendations made to us by the Ship-to-shore group and Rhona has made contact with various stakeholders.
  • We’re also looking at micro-hydro schemes in Colintraive and Glendaruel and have identified with Community Energy Scotland 8 possible watercourses where this might happen. Once a desktop assessment has been made we’ll be contacting the landowners associated with the water courses to discuss possibilities.
Ideas Opportunities Renewables

Thinking of Installing a Renewable Heating Scheme?

The Government has launched the Renewable Heat Premium Payment Scheme to help householders across the country with funding towards the cost of installing renewable heating systems.   The new £15 million initiative, which is now open to applications, will support up to 25,000 installations.   Approximately 4 million householders in the UK – including ColGlen – do not have mains gas and have to rely on more expensive, higher carbon forms of heating such as oil and electricity.   The scheme will mainly focus on these households.   The following technologies will be available through the scheme –

  • Ground Source Heat Pump – £1,250 grant (for homes without mains gas heating)
  • Biomass Boiler – £950 grant (for homes without mains gas heating)
  • Air Source Heat Pump – £850 grant (for homes without mains gas heating)
  • Solar Thermal Hot Water Panels  – £300 grant (available to all households regardless of the type of heating system used)

Grants will be available on a first come first served basis and the scheme will close on 31 March 2012.

Interested?  Householders can call 0800 512012 or visit

Colintraive Glendaruel Opportunities Working Groups

Calling all Interested Parties!

Are you involved in the tourist industry in Colintraive and Glandaruel?

Russell, working for the CGDT for two months on a government funded placement, wants to hear from you!

I’m looking to organise a focus group of anyone whose business interests are related to tourism.  The group will try to collate your opinions and the day-to-day feedback you get from visitors to help the tourist industry in Colintraive and Glendaruel identify what can be done to improve and expand the facilities and attractions for visitors in a way that is sensitive to local concerns.

The results of the focus group will be invaluable in informing the long-term goals of the Development Trust as it progresses with present and future projects.

The meeting will be held at 7pm on Wednesday the 14th of September at Glendaruel Village Hall.  If you intend to attend please contact me at or on 01369 820344.  I hope as many of you can make it as possible.  If you are unable to make this date but have ideas you want to share with the group please let me know and we’ll arrange an alternative time to meet up and have a chat.

Colintraive News Opportunities Press & Publicity Working Groups

CGDT Stall at the Colintraive Village Fete a Great Success!

If you were down at the Colintraive village fete on Saturday, and if you had a chance between the duck racing, wellie wanging, rat splatting, cake buying, ice cream licking and Scottish dancing, you might have seen Sandra and Russell cajoling people into the CDGT tent.  We were asking for people’s ideas, thoughts, comments and opinions on the various on-going projects on that the Trust is overseeing.  Represented were; the plan to revive the old post-office, the planned circular walk in Colintraive, the Ship-to-Shore project and the Stronafian Forest Project.

We hope that everyone who came and saw us left a little more enlightened as to what the Trust is up to on their behalf and a little more involved having left an idea or comment for us to consider.

Regarding the forest people were generally interested to see exactly where the forest boundaries were and to hear how the nitty-gritty of the acquisition and purchase process are progressing.  Several people commented about the great views over Loch Riddon that you can get from the top of the forest road that goes from the telephone exchange on the Dunoon road.  There was some interest in the possibility of the creation of forest small holdings and also in establishing a commercial wood-fuel operation as they have done at Kilfinan.  By far the most common topic of conversation about the forest was the possibility of developing mountain biking trails.  Suggestions ranged from simple way-marked trails to the development of a full blown centre complete with graded trails, bike hire, guiding, bike repair shop and cafes. See these links to see what has been developed in other forests along these lines and  Other ideas included creating nature trails, a sculpture trail, tree-top assault course a shooting ground and a concrete bobsleigh run through the forest!

The possibility of reviving the village shop was met with universal enthusiasm!  Some people didn’t care what happened to it as long as it was given a lick of paint.  A frequent comment was that a shop or café of some sort would do a roaring trade off people waiting for the ferry with one person even suggesting going onto coaches with a tray of snacks and drinks like they used to do at the cinema!  Those who came straight from the home baking stand were naturally in favour of having somewhere to get cakes of such high quality all year round and wanted to see a tea room or coffee shop (with home baking).  Younger folk thought an internet café would be great idea, anything to make contact with the outside world given how bad mobile reception is.  The shop has a flat on the first floor and some people suggested converting this into ‘bunk house’ style accommodation for cyclists and people doing the Cowal Way looking to over-night somewhere cheap and cheerful.  Rhona is busy as we speak trying to secure funding so that the building can be surveyed before any decision is made on whether to buy.

The ship-to-shore project displayed various options discussed at a meeting earlier in the week including the controversial pontoon proposal, reviving the concrete jetty and using the slipway on the CalMac road as a launch for dinghies and kayaks.  This is going to be a difficult one to negotiate as many people thought that yachties would only come ashore if there was the option of coming alongside in their yachts whilst the topography of the bay makes this difficult without building a quite intrusive structure.

We encourage to leave your comments and ideas on the projects discussed above – this is an on-going process and your opinion counts at every stage!

CRtB Glendaruel Glendaruel Hotel News Opportunities

CGDT is Granted Community Right to Buy on Glendaruel Hotel

The Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust is delighted to announce it has been granted a community right to buy on the Glendaruel Hotel under the terms of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. The hotel which stands at the centre of the clachan of Glendaruel has been closed for 18 months depriving the community of an essential social hub and local accommodation providers of a venue for their guests to find food and drink locally.

In June 2009 when it first considered applying for the right to buy on the property the trust undertook to give the present owners of the hotel breathing space to get their business up and running. Twelve months later the Trust recognised that this was becoming more and more unlikely to happen, and that the community needed the opportunity to take charge of the building and provide for its own future. At a public meeting on 3rd August last year a working group was formed to look at the options for running the building as a social enterprise and to work toward the Community Right to Buy.

The right to buy, which gives the community first refusal when and if the hotel comes on to the market, also requires that a ballot be held to ascertain the community’s opinion of such a course of action. As Charles Dixon-Spain, chair of the Development Trust says, “With the help of the working group who have put substantial time into this project, and our HIE-funded consultant Tom Sillar, we have secured the community the opportunity to decide whether it wants the trust to run the building as a social enterprise.”

Full details of the application for the right to buy are available on the Register of Community Interests in Land.