Tag: colintraive

With 500 copies distributed to the community and local businesses, we’ve now generated a downloadable version.
Included in this issue is news from the community council, the development trust, the church, our wildswimmers and the ColGlen chorus, to name but a few.
We are looking to update the map for the Summer issue, including more businesses and useful information, as well as adverts. We have 5 takers for the ad spaces so far and only another 4 are available – get yours by contacting the newsletter group through cgdt@cgdt.org
Thank you to those who completed the Broadband Survey with Anne Lamb. 100 completed forms were received, an excellent return rate, which shows just how important fast Broadband connectivity is to the Communities of Colintraive and Glendaruel.
The Trust’s Scoping Document was submitted last month to Community Broadband Scotland (CBS) and as soon as we hear that this has been approved we shall post it on the Trust’s website for your perusal.
The next step is to meet again with Campbell Cameron of CBS and he is joining us at 6pm Thursday 15th May in the Colintraive Village Hall along with his Operations Manager Alaistair Nicolson.
Campbell and Alaistair will brief the meeting on the planned Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) roll out issues and how CBS can help the community fill the gaps left.
Following this meeting a Technical Options Study will need to be undertaken (if funding can be confirmed). This study will hopefully produce a plan to ensure that the project, when complete, will be viable, robust and sustainable.
We do hope that you can attend the meeting on the 15th and we look forward to a fruitful discussion.
Today Charles and Sara attended the follow up workshop in Edinburgh, building on the very successful Are You Ready? pilot at Colintraive Village Hall in February. For more information on the project, and the very successful day of resilience imagineering with agencies, utilities and communities, click here. The Trust will be contacting participants in the first event shortly to begin the process of creating a fully-fledged resilience programme.
A new community initiative funded by the Climate Challenge Fund, aims to help householders in Colintraive and Glendaruel adopt energy efficiency measures and advice to help make their homes warmer, cheaper to heat and reduce their carbon footprints.
Project Coordinator, Sara Maclean and the Board of Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust, are gearing up to create opportunities for the communities to gain access to advice, help and practical installation of insulation in their predominantly hard to treat, traditional housing and also offer training to community volunteers. Particular help will be offered to those requiring solid wall insulation and advice on renewable forms of heating.
A range of awareness raising events and home visits will be implemented to ensure that both communities get maximum advantage from this project, which also has plans to insulate the community owned and run village halls and lower the carbon footprint and energy costs for all.
Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust is looking to recruit two community energy champions to receive training to embed skills in the community and give advice to householders to help save money and achieve a Warmer Colglen.
Colintraive Hotel at Easter
New… Apres Kirk lunch at 12. Special £7.95, scampi or soup and sandwiches.
Carry out food available every day from the hotel.
Art in the Pub for the month of March, pub art exhibition. Scottish Scenes by
Cat Comrie from Strachur
Pre-quiz nights fish and chips special £7.95 Last one this Friday
Mother’s Day lunch or dinner £15.95 for 2 courses
Easter Day lunch or dinner
Friday the 13th Davy the Ghost at the Colintraive Hotel Book your tickets £5 pp
fun for all the family at 6pm.
All of the above is pre bookable
Colintraive Shop & Post office open every morning, with newspapers, fresh
milk and bakery. If you have any further requirements from our shop please
don’t hesitate to ask.
Did you know we also can supply you at very short notice with foreign currency for your holidays, as well as banking for all banks now.
We thank you for all your support
The Ferries Review is ongoing and it does affect Colintraive in particular. Here’s the relevant excerpt:
40. […] we could enhance the Colintraive to Rhubodach service, running the service through to midnight, thereby extending the operating day and meeting the model service profile. We feel that this is the most cost effective solution to meet the service gap, which at the same time, because of the reasonably high patronage on the route, could bring substantial benefit to the local economy. The intention would be to include this proposal as part of the next tender for Clyde and Hebridean Ferry services in 2013.
41. We recognise that this is not the principal route, or the route that may most often be used for commuting purposes. The community is therefore asked for their views on this proposal and whether an extended service on this route would be well used.
What do folk in our community think? Please comment here, contact a member of the board of DT, the CC or our LDO Rhona.
Plans for the use of the community forest at Rhubodach, opposite Colintraive are now in consultation mode, and residents of Colintraive and Glendaruel have been invited to make their views known by visiting the site, or contact the new forest manage Emma Cooper.
The plans are to be discussed at the next Community Council meeting in Colintraive Village Hall, at 7.30, Thursday 26th Jan.
Please click on this link to have a look at all the documents, or phone 01700 500 541 and ask for Emma.
And of course do let us know what you think as well!
Improved communication has been a recurrent theme in feedback from the community so this weekend, to coincide with the Colintraive Fete the Development Trust is publishing its first quarterly newsletter. Have a read, let us know what you think.