… I think the poster below says it all doesn’t it?

As part of the progress toward our application to the NFLS, today the District valuer David Herriott came to look over the forest, and myself and Michael Kaufmann accompanied him for the morning. It was an overcast day, but the views were as impressive as ever.
We also looked at the piece of deciduous woodland above the clachan. Unlike earlier in the year when we visited this piece of woodland with GorDon Gray Stephens of the Woodland Association, it wasn’t the sylvan paradise we’ve come to expect, but it was lovely nevertheless.
The valuer will report by the 10th of September in time for our big public consultation day, the Stronafian Sunday Sandwich — more of which later!
Today we have confirmed that we would like to proceed with our application to acquire the right to purchase Stronafian Forest under the National Forest Land Scheme. This means, we think, that we have to get everything done and dusted, and the application in by 4th October. The clock is ticking!
At the board meeting today we decided to move forward with Gordon Gray Stephen’s advice on community consultation. To this end we’re going to pursue three main threads:
All three will be critical to the formation of the business plan / extended options appraisal that we will need to complete for our application under the NFLS.
For Gordon’s full option appraisal have a look at our publications page.
Community Consultation Day 11th July 2010 – Colintraive Village Hall 2.30p.m. The Trust has an exciting opportunity to pursue the purchase of Forestry Land at Stronafian and the community’s views are sought on the potential for development of the site for the long term benefit of Colintraive and Glendaruel. The decision to proceed rests with the community and all residents of Colintraive and Glendaruel are encouraged to attend the presentation.
Come along and hear about this exciting opportunity for the future of Col-Glen and its residents – your contribution is vital – don’t miss your chance to have your say.