A new community initiative funded by the Climate Challenge Fund, aims to help householders in Colintraive and Glendaruel adopt energy efficiency measures and advice to help make their homes warmer, cheaper to heat and reduce their carbon footprints.
Project Coordinator, Sara Maclean and the Board of Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust, are gearing up to create opportunities for the communities to gain access to advice, help and practical installation of insulation in their predominantly hard to treat, traditional housing and also offer training to community volunteers. Particular help will be offered to those requiring solid wall insulation and advice on renewable forms of heating.
A range of awareness raising events and home visits will be implemented to ensure that both communities get maximum advantage from this project, which also has plans to insulate the community owned and run village halls and lower the carbon footprint and energy costs for all.
Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust is looking to recruit two community energy champions to receive training to embed skills in the community and give advice to householders to help save money and achieve a Warmer Colglen.