Ideas News Opportunities Recruitment

CGDT is Recruiting for a Part-time General Manager to start at the end of the month

Colintraive & Glendaruel Development Trust are recruiting a General Manager for a 1 year part-time post (14 hours)

An exciting opportunity to join a highly successful and ambitious community organization at the heart of Cowal.

The general manager will have responsibilities in the key areas of governance, human resources (HR), public relations and initial project development.

Application forms can be requested by ringing 01700 841 358, emailing or downloaded from

Applications can be emailed to or delivered to CGDT, Colintraive Village Hall, Colintraive, PA22 3AS

Funded by Highlands & Islands and the Cruach Mhor Windfarm Trust


Clachan – Community Meeting 8 – 5th October 7pm in Glendaruel Village Hall


The 8th Community Meeting for the Clachan Project will take place at the Glendaruel Village Hall on Wednesday 5th October at 7pm.

This meeting will give all interested parties the opportunity to look at the progress being made and to feed in their views to the process.

The project architects will be presenting the draft plans for the building and giving an explanation as to how they used the information they got from the previous meetings to influence the layouts they have drafted.

All are welcome to attend.


Energy Efficiency Environment Forestry Glendaruel Greener ColGlen News Press & Publicity Projects Renewables Resilience Stronafian

CGDT Statement to the Community Council regarding suggested Public Meeting on Community Wind Turbines

With regard to the offer made to the community council by the CGDT chair to hold a public meeting to discuss the community project to build two wind turbines in Stronafian Forest, the determination of the Development Trust board on the matter is as follows.

After much discussion the board have decided not to go ahead with a public meeting. There are several reasons for this:

1.  The planning application is being processed and further discussion will not add materially to the outcome of the council’s deliberations.
2.  We have invested over £120,000 in this project as part of a CARES loan. We have match-funded this investment at a rate of 5% of Forest Development Funds. This is a significant commitment for the trust, with these funds being applied for and granted in the full light of community scrutiny through AGMs, published minutes and community plans. We are bound by that commitment to follow the process through and we believe that while it is everyone’s right to have a view on a planning application, we are disappointed that the community members who are now so strenuously objecting didn’t make their views known at an earlier juncture and in a spirit of consensual community planning.
3.  We are further disappointed that these concerns were not raised when the initial planning decision to allow a met mast to be constructed was made.
4.  Furthermore, and in the light of 2 & 3 above we are more than content that there were sufficient public consultation meetings over the last 2 years for the community to be fully appraised of the project. The Community Council is well aware that owning and running our own renewables project has been a primary objective for the Trust since 2009.
5.  We are not convinced that a further meeting will provide any level of resolution for either those who support the trust’s application or those who do not. We are concerned that if we provided a community forum in this format there is likely to be a deepening of the adversarial climate which has emerged over the issue.
6.  The Development Trust has maintained a transparent stance with regard to the project, and have always encouraged members of the community to come to the board, individual directors or our staff to express concerns.
7.  As we have said repeatedly at AGMs and other meetings, the Development Trust would rather those whose are dissatisfied with our progress, step up, become directors or members of working groups and help direct the trust’s agenda.
8.  We stand by our assertions of the benefit of this development to the whole community: in its ability to offset many of the cuts the council is having to apply; and in its support of the development plan (redrafted in 2013) which the Development Trust is following (and which is published through the CGDT website).
9.  Lastly, planning consent if we receive it, is only one step along a much longer road which involves subsidy levels, funding rounds, finance and business planning – all of which will dictate whether or not this is a viable project. To go forward this project must earn the community at least £57,500 per annum on average in combined profit and community benefit.

Ideas News Opportunities Press & Publicity Projects

Leapfrog: improving communication in community-led projects

Wednesday 11th May 6pm until 9pm
We would like to invite you to an evening workshop about improving communication in community led projects and designing new approaches to community consultations.
The workshop will be delivered by the Institute of Design Innovation and Lancaster University as part of a research and exchange project called Leapfrog. The project looks to improve and support communication and engagement with members of the public about local area development and public services (
The project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and there is no charge to attend the workshop. If you attend all we will ask is that you come armed with experience of working in your community and a willingness to discuss the issues and challenges you have faced.
The workshop will take place at 6pm until 9pm on the 11th May at the Colintraivevillage hall.
If you want to explore new ways to engage with people, make communicating projects easier and talk about how to make projects easier to manage, all over a glass of wine then please come along.
If you would like to attend please register at our Eventbrite page by following the link below
Alternatively contact Paul Smith on to find out more or reserve a place. And if planning ahead isn’t your thing, please feel free to drop in on the night.
Colintraive Energy Efficiency Environment Forestry Glendaruel News Projects Renewables Resilience Stronafian

Update: CGDT Community Wind Turbines at Stronafian

We are presently awaiting determination over our planning application for the siting to two community wind turbines on Stronafian Forest. The decision should be imminent, but in the meantime we have recently been asked about the financial forecasts that we are working with.

Firstly we should say that we are legally bound by confidentiality agreements which protect the intellectual property rights of our wind turbine developer.

The legal conditions on our working financial forecasts begin with this statement:

By receiving this document, CGDT (“the recipient”) agrees to keep permanently confidential the information contained herein or made available in connection with any further enquiries (the “Information Provided”). The Information Provided may be made available only to a the recipient’s employees and professional advisors directly involved in the appraisal of such information. The Information Provided shall not, either in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, distributed or otherwise made available to any other party in any circumstances … nor may it be used for any other purpose than that for which it is intended.

Unfortunately, this is not ideal, and it means we can only talk in very general terms about the figures we have been given. Firstly, there are two forms of income which will accrue to the community. There will be community benefit payments (which all windfarm developers pay) which will be at a rate of over £5000 per MW/h. This will be set aside in a trust for the community to use, rather as it has been for the Cruach Mhor Windfarm Trust. There will also be profits earned by the installation as profit by an arms­length subsidiary of CGDT’s. These profits will be paid to the Development Trust tax free, given its charitable status, and will amount to at least £50,000 per annum on average over the lifetime of the installation, and probably much more. Of course our forecasts also include variables such as interest rates and the types of loans we will be able to obtain, but by using the arms’­length company we limit the liability to CGDT and therefore the community as well. Indeed, the profits I mention take into account all the costs incurred in installation, operation and dismantlement.

Once we have returned the forest to its pristine pre­wind turbine state we anticipate the community will have had the opportunity to benefit from well over £2M. CGDT has obtained over £2.5M funding for projects thus far from an initial seed investment of c. £50K by the Cruach Mhor Windfarm Trust, the potential therefore for Colintraive and Glendaruel to draw down much greater funding becomes possible with the advent of these turbines and the income they will provide.

When and if we receive consent, we will then be in a position to finalise the figures further, and we hope to give a more detailed answer to everyone. Of course, the delays on the planning decision erode this, particularly after the recent changes made by the Westminster Government on renewables.

Indeed, it is the view of the Wind Turbine working group, that if the project wasn’t able to return an income of £50,000 per annum on average, then it would recommend to the board of the trust that the project shouldn’t go forward, even with consent given.

We thoroughly understand that some members of the community have objections to the appearance of the turbines themselves. However, we would argue, that (a) the benefit accruing to the community is worth it (b) the turbines will be there only for the lifetime of the project, and then taken down. The success on Gigha shows that turbines can work well for a community, providing a basis for real and lasting change.

To show the impact, from perhaps the most critical view, we have taken a screengrab of the wireframe and photomontage showing the visual impact of the turbines. The first image is a closeup, and the second gives the full panorama.

Please note the wireframes do not show the masking effect of vegetation, including the commercial forestry plantation, however the photomontage does. In this case, for this view, only the closest of the turbines is visible over the tops of the trees:


The full panorama is below:


The full set of montages are available at the Development Trust office.

Glendaruel News Opportunities Projects

The Clachan Hub Project: Community Survey

We’re gathering responses to the Clachan Hub project proposals both online and via paper forms which have been distributed to residents in Glendaruel. All members of the community, whether members of the Development Trust or not, are very welcome to fill in this survey. We also welcome the views of business owners, second-home owners and those who visit our community for their holidays.

The survey, with lots more information about the project and the purpose of the survey, is available here.

Thanks for your time!

Broadband Colintraive Glendaruel News Opportunities Press & Publicity Projects

Kyles Community Broadband website is launched!

CGDT, which has been enabling the KCB steering group to move forward, is pleased to say the KCB website is now fully functional and available at We have also included a link in this website’s menu for everyone’s convenience.

The website will be used to update the area on the project’s progress, will take signups to the newsletter (which will help evidence local demand for the service) and publish as much of the documentation as commercial confidentiality allows.

Clachan CRtB Glendaruel Glendaruel Hotel Ideas News Projects Stronafian

Clachan Hub Project: Community Meeting 3

At the Glendaruel Hall on Saturday 16th Jan, 11 am!

The appraisal of the potential sites is now complete and we will score the options against how they meet our criteria.

Our meeting will be facilitated by the consultants – the Design Team and Business planning team, who look forward to meeting everyone.

Clachan Hub meeting notes

Broadband Clachan Colintraive Glendaruel News Opportunities Press & Publicity Projects

Kyles Community Broadband Public Meetings

If you live in Colintraive & Glendaruel, Kilfinan or Bute Community Council areas, and you aren’t within 1 km of a BT Next Generation Enabled telephone exchange, this is for you:



Broadband – Suppliers Request for Information

The request for information asking prospective suppliers to provide suggestions for our new community broadband project has now been issued on the Public Contracts portal. A list of suppliers who have already carried out similar work in Scotland have also been contacted direct and we are hoping to receive returns from a number of suitable bodies. A copy of the RFI which was issued is available for viewing on our About Us “publications” page

Those suppliers wishing to be considered have to give us their proposal by the 11th of January and the Public meeting on Sunday 17th January at the Glen Hall 4pm will give you an opportunity of considering some of the proposals.